Murals & Public Art
Check out my mural, public art and 3 dimensional art work. These are just a few of colorful projects that I have completed. Please visit my INSTAGRAM to check out what’s new!

Freelon (Uhill Walls, Durham, NC)
Bull City Putt Putt (Durham, NC)

Lift Every Voice (Unscripted Hotel, Durham, NC)
Club Crossing Ground Mural (Durham, NC)

The Colors Are The Message (Unscripted Hotel, Durham, NC)
Park Bench Project (Dix Park, Raleigh NC)

Electrical Box Project (Wilson, NC)
Rush Bowl (Raleigh, NC)

Crosswalk Mural (Unscripted Hotel, Durham, NC)
Bull City Eatery Food Truck (Durham, NC)

Durham Family Medicine (Durham, NC)